Kali ini..entry Bunga ditujukan khas untuk ex-housemate Bunga, Karla. Karla ni orang Chile, duduk bersama ahlul bait Nurul Jannah (House 19) selama sebulan lebih (ke dua bulan..lebih kurang la).
Seminggu ni, kerap pula Bunga berchating dengan Karla ni. Seronok dapat berhubung dengan dia, walaupun dia jauh..tetapi dia punya ruang di hati Bunga..
Bila ber’chating’ dengan Karla hari tu, Bunga terasa mahu berkongsi perasaan Bunga bila bersama dia dulu. Dan Bunga bagitahu dia..dia sangat teruja! Dia beriya nak tahu apa yang Bunga nak tulis untuk dia!
InsyaAllah..Karla berhati lembut..itu Bunga yakin..doakan bersama agar hatinya menjadi hati terpilih untuk menerima Islam..dan sesungguhnya hidayah itu milik Allah..semoga Karla peroleh sesuatu daripada penulisan Bunga ni..
Dear Karla, this is specially dedicated for you dear..I wish to share the sweet moments of having you staying in House 19! You know, Allah the Most Merciful and Powerful had planned the best for us..He allows us to meet..He allows us to know each other.. He allows us to create and develop ‘ukhwah’ (relationship)..which I believe will last forever..insyaAllah (if Allah allows it to happen)
When Sue (our cleaner) told us (me,Maryam, and Iman) about your coming, I wonder...
“Is she ok? Will she be ok to stay with us? What if she can’t accept us..our practices..? What should we do to make her comfortable?”
Yes..that were what came across to my mind..and that night..we first met..
I still remember..right after Maghrib prayer, we heard voices..
“Maybe that’s Karla! Let’s meet her!”
Hihi...but you were faster than us..you made the initiative to come to my room..and greet us..with your smile and warm greetings..honestly, it touched my heart..really..
Then..we ate together..hey, I cooked the TomYam (the one that Fernanda said SO SPICY..hihi..) with love! Yup..I really want you to feel good staying with us..I really want to!
..and that night, we shared stories..we had the ‘ta’ruf’ session (ice breaking)..knowing each others’ name, background info..even I can’t remember all (hehe..bear with me), but I started to develop a good feeling on you. Seriously, I feel good to have you as my new housemate! Yeayy!
I learned few things about you, Karla. You will do something that you are sure with! Am I right? Just say ‘Yes’..
..and it is really parallel with what Allah the Creator and the All-Knowing:
“And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart - about all those [one] will be questioned”
I impressed with you, dear! Seriously, you are so good in your actions! You don’t believe me? Let me explain..
You still remember..your FRIEND really LOVE to visit our house. Hey, I’m worried about you! Yup..I didn’t tell you that but you know..I love you, friend! I don’t want anything bad happen to you. When a man and a sweet girl like you..together in one room..can you imagine that? What would happen..?Oh really..bad things are highly possible to happen!
“And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way”
..and then when we asked you about that..you told us..
“Don’t worry..there is nothing happen”
See.. how God saved you..how God loves you..ALHAMDULILLAH (Praise be to God)..and I hope God will always protect you..
We were together in class..learning about Literature with Lesley..and you taught us several Spanish words! And I only remember ‘GRACIAS’! hehehe...I’m bad in memorizing foreign words..sorry dear!
..but the most memorable moment in class..that still in my mind until now..was when we were discussing about a poem..which related to the topic ‘DEATH’!
One of our friends said:
‘Death changes the mood..it makes us sad..’
..and I did respond to her. I said that there is nothing to be sad..to be afraid..about death..
As for me, DEATH is a must for every mankind. And that is really true. Nobody will stay alive forever..there would be a full stop for them..for us!
From Islamic point of view, death has become an excellent motivation for great Mukmins (people who really believe and have faith in God). This is the entrance for Muslim to the immortal stage..where we can meet our God (Allah the Most Merciful and the Forgiving)..the one we love most..the one who has give so much pleasure and bliss..obviously, DEATH can be great motivation for us.
..and then, you say something..honestly, I can’t remember exactly your words..but it showed how neutral you are..you were saying with thinking..and I did smile..yes I am..

..and now..you are not with us anymore..
..no one will greet us excitedly in the morning..
..no one will wash our dishes (hey..thanks a lot..we didn’t ask you but you are so kind to do that..love you for that too..hihi)
..no one in the room now..our house is quite now..no one is laughing happily..
Hey..I know I didn’t talk much with you when you were with us..I didn’t share so much with you..huhu..and now I regret that..
But I want you to know..I always pray for you..hope you will be fine..wherever you are..
..how I wish I could call you ‘sister’ one day..
..how I wish I can see you wearing scarf or hijab one day..
“And whoever Allah guides - he is the [rightly] guided; and whoever He sends astray - you will never find for them protectors besides Him..”
We miss you..I miss you..
p/s: wahai teman-teman Bunga kerana Allah..sama-sama doakan sahabat Bunga ini..semoga Allah beri petunjuk pada beliau..